Ladybug Cuteness

This fun ladybug picture was inspired by a recent ladybug sighting at the playground a few days ago. In our household, we are all about celebrating the little things in life! The best part — this project is very low cost!!
Did you know that Home Depot has paint chips in the shape of leaves? Fantastic! If you don’t already have some, you can pick some up for free! Invite your child to glue the leaves on a sheet of construction paper. Emily loves to use glue!

Next, I drew some branches for Emily to color in….
She also added some veins to the leaves. Now the fun part, cut some color coding labels (we bought a pack of 225 for $1) in half to make the ladybugs!!
I love how these two are talking to each other! Hmm.. I think one of them has an extra leg?
Add the spots, and antennae (or “cantennae“, as Emily would say. Not sure where she picked up that geeky term… I’m looking at you, Mark!)
Don’t forget to sign your incredibly CUTE artwork!

Extra bonus points for reading Ladybug Picnic — have fun!!