Beautiful City Silhouette Painting

Now that Emily is finished with her school work for the Summer, we’ve been taking advantage of these pockets of time during Clara’s nap for some one-on-one crafting fun. This project is very easy (and frugal) to make!

Begin by folding a sheet of paper in half as shown.

We used kitchen sponges (pack of 12 for $1) from the dollar store, and cut them up to make different sized buildings. Emily stamped each sponge twice — once above the fold, and once directly below it to make the reflection. I love that she chose the color pink for the buildings! 

Next, add some blue paint below the fold for some water.

Allow the painting to dry completely, and then cut up price tag stickers (also $1) from the dollar store to make windows!
This was Emily’s favorite part, and she was quite particular about the placement of each window!

You can use this same technique on a long sheet of butcher’s paper for a fun classroom mural. Have fun, and be sure to admire your beautiful artwork!!