Mother’s Day Gifts Kids Can Make — Ceramic Trivets

Another post in our fun series of Mother’s Day Gifts Kids Can Make — if you haven’t already done so, send your husband over here, and maybe he’ll take a hint. (wink, wink!) Most of these projects will feature very inexpensive items you can find at any hardware store, so manly men don’t need to make another trip to the craft store.

The girls made these beautiful hand painted ceramic trivets this afternoon, and I thought they would make wonderful Mother’s Day gifts! They were super-inexpensive, easy, and FUN to make!!

We used imprinted ceramic tiles from the hardware store ($2.64 each), and I let the girls have a go at painting them with acrylic paint. They had so much fun!!

We had such lovely weather, so I had the girls do the painting outdoors.
Clara really got into it! I encouraged the girls to cover the entire tile with paint, but they didn’t need much encouragement from me!
They were having so much fun that I wished I had a tile to paint too!!
This is how they looked after the girls were done painting them. I love the colors they chose!
Once the paint was dry, I used a thin brush to fill in the imprints and outlines with black paint. After that dried, Mark was kind enough to use clear polyurethane spray over them to keep the paint from chipping and add some shine to the finish. I added some self-adhesive cork pads (also very inexpensive from the hardware store) to every corner on the bottom of the trivet.
Both of the girls said “WOW!!!” when they saw them! I LOVE how these turned out, and they are so proud of their work!!

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