Frugal Family Craft Fail: This is awful, and you should feel bad for doing it

Mark here. With this project, Valerie and the girls were not repurposing all of my stuff but…
Things don’t always go according to plan, even at the Frugal Family Fun house. Sometimes crafts don’t turn out like they were supposed to. You might call them “awful”, if you are being nice.
Valerie and Emily were attempting to make a “Scratch-n-Sniff” rainbow for St. Patrick’s Day. Here is how NOT to do it.

Step One: Paint a canvas with water…

Step Two: Sprinkle some red unsweetened powdered drink mix on top.

Step Three: Repeat with all of the colors of the rainbow

Step Four: Make some (hideous) Bacon????? Emily got a big kick out of this.
Wow. That was awful, and you should feel bad for making it. Color blind people could do better. This is seriously the saddest rainbow I have ever seen. It goes “blood red, bright red, burnt red, toilet stain (if you are generous) and cajun”.
Does it smell nice? No. It smells like some sort of mutant fruit. Not a good mutant fruit either. (I’m looking at you, Grapple!)
My suggestion? Try to recycle it. However, even the recycling company will not take it, and it will be left at the curb for animals to peck at and get sick.
Forget this! Let’s go play Invisible Basketball instead!
I hope you enjoyed “Frugal Family Craft Fail” Of course, none of this was Emily’s fault. Craft failures happen all of the time — you won’t know what works unless you try!