Easy Super-Cute Penguin Prints

Emily thought these penguin prints were so much fun to make! She wants to make a girly penguin so this handsome guy can have some company.
To make your own penguin prints, you will need some paint, construction paper, glue, and some googly eyes. You may want to have some baby wipes on-hand.
Begin by gluing your snowy landscape onto the background construction paper.
We went foot-loose and fancy-free for this craft! Take off your child’s socks and paint the bottom of the foot as shown.
Make the foot print on the paper, (use those baby wipes to wipe down the foot), and use a paintbrush to add a beak to your penguin.
Emily dipped her finger in some black paint to add the penguin’s wings.
Add a googly eye, and have your child sign this beautiful artwork to hang proudly in your home!