Because Mark and I Never Grew Up

After dinner, we cleared off the table, covered it all using a roll of craft paper and some masking tape, and gathered every crayon in the house for a few hours of family drawing time. Yes, the dishes are still in the sink. No, I really don’t care about them.

What I care about is watching this little one scribble with such intensity.
We started out sitting around the table, then took turns at each other’s spots to add more details. We kept going around, stretching over and across the table, a doodle here, a scribble there…. until the entire table was covered.
A coloring frenzy!!
There were quiet, calm moments….

…and moments with lots of silly giggling!
Mark has just about perfected drawing cute little girls.
All sprawled out…
Oh! Those pesky penguins have been up to no good!
Crayon isn’t exactly my forté, but it is a lot of fun!