HELP! Advice Needed — Gift Ideas Kids Can Make

A few days ago, I received the following email from Sherry at A Little Fun with Me and Lu. I know Sherry is not alone in this dilemma, so I thought I would share her email with all of you, and together maybe we can come up with some options for the rest of us to enjoy too!
Hi Valerie,
I always bake for my family for their holiday gifts … between my husband and I, we have 6 brothers and sisters, 4 sets of living grandparents, and 4 sets of parents … I could never buy for all those people, so every year I have Lu make an ornament, then I get our pictures professionally done and include that in the gift. I get a regular tin from the dollar store, bake cookies, and voilá! Done! This year I want to do something better. I love them, but as always I am on a budget. Truly I am at a loss. Can you help at all? I always see great handmade items on your blog and if theres anyone that understands a budget you do 🙂
Thanks for your time,
Any good ideas for gifts kids can make that won’t break the budget? Leave a comment and share your ideas with us!