Adventures at the Beauty Academy

The girls were long overdue for haircuts, and despite my frugal nature, I have resolved to never EVER attempt to cut their hair myself. Too many horror stories, and I simply cannot bring myself to do it. That’s not to say that salons are always perfect. One instance involving Emily’s haircut a few years ago that ended in bangs despite my explicit request for NO BANGS comes to mind. You have no idea how long those took to grow out. It must have traumatized me because now every time she goes to get her hair cut I am overcome with the urge to scream “FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY, NO BANGS! NO BANGS!!” while grabbing the hairdresser by the shoulders and violently shaking her.

Thankfully, I show great restraint during those moments, but make the seriousness of my request known by extending the length of the “no”. As in, “Yes, a trim would be perfect. Chin length is great. (pause for effect) Noooooooo bangs!”. Smile. “Thank you so much!”
So far, so good!
I realize I’m a control freak, but seriously, have you ever had a hairdresser not listen to you? Do you have any idea how frustrating that can be?? It’s like your entire LIFE for the next 4 or 5 months is resting in their hands! Do they even realize the POWER they have???? It makes me tremble with fear, just thinking about it.
A friend of mine (Hi, Kim!) told me about a local beauty academy, and after seeing how awesome her new hair style looked, I just knew I had to give this place a try. For all three of us to get our hair cut, is no small feat. First, Mark needs to be there to supervise the girls while my hair is being cut. Someone needs to make sure no bangs are being cut. Lastly, someone needs to distract Clara during her FIRST haircut EVER so she doesn’t whip her head around and get her eyes poked out with a pair of scissors.
We did quite well!
The beauty academy was fabulous (and very frugal)! When word got out that it was Clara’s first hair cut, I thought they were going to fight over who got to cut her hair. She had two hairstylists working on her at the same time, while a third went to fetch an envelope to keep her hair trimmings in. So much attention for one little girl!

Ta da!!


Emily was thoroughly enjoying all this pampering! What a treat! Rachel did an amazing job with her haircut, and NO BANGS!! Hooray!!!!
Thank you, Alison, Rachel, and Samantha for our lovely new ‘dos — just in time for the holidays!