Stunning Winter Tree Silhouette

We noticed many of our trees have lost almost all of their leaves, so we were inspired to create something special. With very little help from me, Emily was able to paint this silhouette with beautiful results! To make your own, all you will need is a little masking tape, paper, and some watercolor paint!

Emily went out to the yard and gathered some branches for us to observe. We noted how thinner branches always grow from thicker branches and never the other way around. We made a shadow with the branch and noticed that we could still see the texture from the bark in the shadow.
Then we got to work ripping strips of masking tape to use as branches.
She arranged them on the paper so the thinner branches extended from thicker branches. We also noticed how trees have many, many branches!
Next, we made sure the masking tape was pressed down firmly with a popsicle stick to ensure the paint did not get under the masking tape.
Then it was time to paint! Emily went to town with the painting! A little blue here, some gray there… a tiny bit of brown in this spot.
Now, you need to put the project away for a bit. Go for a walk. Get yourself a cup of coffee. Go read the paper. Do a load of laundry. Make sure the painting is completely dry before attempting to take off the masking tape. This is important.
Now, carefully peel off the tape. I found it worked best to pull on an angle, as shown.
My proud little artist went off to hang her painting in her room. We’re going to have to open a gallery soon!!