Handmade Holidays — Meet Rose!

As promised in yesterday’s post, here’s what we’ve been working on…. a doll made from felt! This handsewn doll became an instant treasure, and Emily has named her Rose. Rose was easy to make, though she did take a few days to complete.

I made two dresses (one red, one blue), and Emily loves to pretend that the red dress is a pajama dress, and the blue dress is for wearing during the day.

We have also discovered that Rose knows how to dance! She is very flexible, and has great rhythm. She is most proficient in tap and ballet. Although she wears special quiet tap shoes.
The best part about this project, is that you can make one too! Thanks to this lovely (and free) downloadable pattern and tutorial from purl bee. The pattern was developed by the lovely, talented, and extremely generous Mimi Kirchner. Mimi, my daughter thanks you!!