Handmade Holidays — Dolly & Me Lounge Pants
I had purchased one yard of pretty flannel fabric at JoAnn back when it was on sale, with the intention of sewing some cozy lounge pants for Emily. When the pants were done, I had just enough fabric leftover for a fun pair of matching pants for Dolly. Emily was so happy with these!

Dolly kept insisting that her pant legs were too long, but I told her she’ll grow into them.
The pants were very quick and easy to sew up, and I used a similar method to the one in Amanda Blake Soule’s book
The Creative Family. I had made pants like these for Emily before
from a pillowcase, but I think she loved the idea of Dolly matching!

I think I have a tiny bit of fabric leftover from
this jumper, and if I do, I’ll be making a matching skirt for Dolly too!
Also, a
big thank you to everyone who has voted for us for the Best Thrifty Homeschooler Award from Homeschool Post! The race is a close one, and if you haven’t already voted, please
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