Frugal and Useful — Post-it Bookmarks

Here’s a useful gift that even the smallest crafters can make — Post-it® Bookmarks! I am so guilty of folding multiple corners on just about every book I read and writing in the margins, so I really needed one of these. When Emily saw what I was up to, she wanted to help.

To make your own Post-it bookmark, you will need a piece of craft foam (2″ x 7″), some yarn, and some Post-it Notes. One package of Post-it Notes will make several bookmarks.
First, separate a few sheets from the note pad (about 7-10 sheets or so).

Use a pair of kitchen scissors to cut the Post-its into shapes that fit onto your bookmark.
Arrange the mini-pads on the bookmark and glue into place. Attach some yarn to the top of the bookmark for a decorative touch.
No more corner-folding or notes written in the margin of the book!
Have fun!
We have had lots of fun with Post-it Notes (see here, here, and here). Hmmm… 3-M, are you reading this??