Favorite Summer Recipe — Banana Boats
While we were on vacation, one of our favorite ways to end the campfires was with Banana Boats. This technique is also known as “How to make a perfectly healthy banana into a delicious junk food treat”. To make your own Banana Boats, you will need: bananas, marshmallows, chocolate, aluminum foil, and a campfire.
Begin by taking a knife and cutting one edge of the peel, as shown.

Peel back this one side of the banana peel.

Your banana boat should now look like this.

With a spoon, carefully scoop out a channel in the banana. Save this for mashed banana with peanut butter later — delicious!

Chop up chocolate and marshmallows. If you have chocolate chips or mini marshmallows, you can skip this step.

This is Emily’s favorite part — alternate marshmallows and chocolate along the inside of the banana.
Fold the peel back over. Wrap in aluminum foil, and place on campfire until chocolate is melted and the marshmallows are gooey.