A Sundress for My Sunshine

I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I have not used my sewing machine since college and that was a long time ago. *gasp* It’s not that I don’t like sewing, it’s just that I’d rather be knitting or crocheting. When the weather starts to warm up, I find myself wishing that I would just start sewing again. Plus, Emily is in need of some new summer clothes.

Today we were faced with a rainy afternoon and lots of time to kill. While Clara was napping, I dug out the machine from the back of the closet, looked up the manual online (I had to refresh my memory after all those years), and a couple hours later made this little number for Emily with cherry-print fabric. I don’t really sew for myself anymore, but I love sewing for the girls. Their clothes use such little fabric, and the seams are so short that it makes any project go that much quicker. This dress only used 1 yard of fabric!

It’s a little sundress, and since it’s a bit chilly here, she’s modeling it with a sweater over top, but you get the idea. I’m hoping to try something similar for Clara using one of Mark’s old dress shirts. Why stop now, when I’m on a roll? Emily has also requested hair scrunchies to match, and I think that’s a lovely idea, don’t you?
And while I’m at it, maybe some new napkins and placemats to replace our old beat-up looking ones… and perhaps some curtains…. maybe some pillow cases….. oh my!