Nature Packs!

If you are looking for some cheap entertainment this summer, you may not have to look any further than your own backyard. To help foster some outdoor time for Emily, I asked her to gather some things from around the house to make her own nature pack. She is very excited to go on an adventure!
Emily’s nature pack…

Emily has been hard at work gathering her materials. There are still some things she wants to add, but for now this is a good start. She has a bird field guide, flashlight, compass, an old 35mm camera, pocket notebook, travel set of colored pencils, baby food jar (for specimens), tweezers, DEET free bug repellent, and a water bottle.

My nature pack….
Seeing her gathering things for a nature pack inspired me to do the same! There is a water bottle, small canvases and water color paper, pocket notebook and pen, travel water color paints, a first-aid kit, butterfly field guide, and an empty baby food container for holding water for paints. Oh, and of course my camera (which I used to get this photo)!
This inspired us to make our own butterfly nets…. more on that later!