Slacker Saturday — Flying Saucer Frisbees

It’s time for another great Slacker Saturday activity, and this one is very simple, super frugal, and lots of fun! Today’s activity is… Make your own flying saucer frisbees! To make yours, you will need 2 paper plates stapled together as shown, aluminum foil, and some stickers to decorate. If you are feeling particularly ambitious, you can decorate with glitter glue too, but this is Slacker Saturday so feel free to omit it!

Staple two paper plates together as shown, and invite your child to cover the plates with a sheet of aluminum foil. Your child can decorate their own flying saucer frisbee with stickers, and then go outside and throw them!
Also, the slacker parents out there might enjoy this article from Wondertime detailing the many benefits to lazy parenting. Makes me want to prop my feet up and kick back! Hope you are all enjoying a fabulous weekend!