Family Painting Time

Looking for some good quality time spent together as a family?  Try scheduling family painting time! All of us look forward to this when Mark comes home from work. After dinner, we clear off the kitchen table and spread out the paints, brushes, and paper. Altogether it was about an hour’s worth of creative time and a lot of fun.  We plan to schedule family painting time at least once a week. Here are some of my favorite photos from last night:

I painted a couple of tree prints.
Even Clara was enjoying the fun!
Mark concentrates on his artwork.
Emily paints with some bright watercolors.
Afterwards, try to find a prominent place in your home to display your child’s artwork. This can be a great source of pride.  
Does your family regularly schedule activity time together?  If so, I want to hear about it!  Leave a comment and share your idea with us!