Math Activities for Spring

These Math activities for Spring are a great way to foster creative learning fun! When I think of Spring, the first things that pop into my head are flowers, butterflies and bugs!  Today, I’ve got a little Spring-time fun that brings together flowers, butterflies and bugs and MATH, not mention a little art too! To […]

Holiday Gift Kids Can Make — Peppermint Necklace

Here’s a quick and easy holiday gift kids can make using just a few materials, and you can even sneak in a pattern lesson while working on fine motor skills too! To make your own peppermint necklaces, you will need some string (or shoelaces), and cut up stripy straws to make beads that look like […]

Invitation to Explore Early Math Concepts

Recently inspired by the lovely Imagination Tree, I set up a simple invitation to explore early math concepts for Clara using some of her existing learning toys and other household items. This has been a HUGE hit with her, and I love how arranging the toys in this way helped to renew her interest in […]